Esperanza del Corazon is the story of Angela (Bianca Marroquin), which with the help of his daughter Lisa (Thelma Madrigal), struggle to get ahead in the setbacks that life presents. Since Franco's death (Agustín Arana), her husband, Angela suffers the abuse of Lucretia (Lucia Mendez), her mother, who removed all the protection and support to run home.
Angela, like any other heroine, never cease to be positive and enthusiastic, respond to adversity with dignity and with great spirit. Hope the heart is a story full of rhythm, in which different people are taking part in the struggle for the happiness of Angela.
All characters will fill every day afternoon with a particular magic, where the main ingredient is love, the struggle of good against evil, the search for how to maintain the principles and the proper way to counteract the evil of the villains, always with proper seasoning tears, laughter and music. Do not forget to always see each capitulo of Esperanza del Corazon in line with his family.
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